Here you will learn how to Add, Update, Remove and Pin dynamic shortcuts to your app.
Add Shortcut
public const string OPEN_SCREEN = "screen_to_be_opened";
public void AddProfileShortcut () {
// Instance of UnityPlayerActivity
var activity = ShortcutsManager.Instance.GetCurrentAndroidActivity ();
// The actual Shortcut object
var profileShortcut = new Shortcut (
"user_profile_id", // shortcut id
"Profile", // shortcut short label
"Open profile and update your statistics!", // shortcut long label
"account_box", // icon name
0 // rank / order
// Intent object which will be 'executed' when
// the user click on the shortcut
var profileIntent = new Intent ()
// Set intent action.
.SetAction (IntentActions.ACTION_VIEW)
// Set intent class name.
.SetClassName (activity, ShortcutsManager.UNITY_PLAYER_ACTIVITY)
// Set intent flags
// Put int extra to the intent in order to be able
// to detect which screen we should open when the user
// clicks the shortcut.
.PutExtra (OPEN_SCREEN, (int) Screens.PROFILE);
// Tell the ShortcutManager to add the shortcut with
// the intent which should be executed when the shortcut
// is clicked.
ShortcutsManager.Instance.AddDynamicShortcut (
Update Shortcut
// Id of the shortcut which you want to update.
var id = "profile_id";
// If shortcut with this id does not exist, GetShortcutById will return null.
// Otherwise it will return valid shortcut object.
var shortcut = ShortcutsManager.Instance.GetShortcutById (id);
if (shortcut != null) {
// Update short label
shortcut.SetShortLabel ("New Short Label");
// Update long label
shortcut.SetLongLabel ("New Long Label");
// Update icon name
shortcut.SetIconName ("New Icon Name");
// Update rank
shortcut.SetRank (1);
// Pass the shortcut object to the the manager for update.
ShortcutsManager.Instance.UpdateShortcut (shortcut);
You can update an array of shortcuts together using:
var shortcutsArray = new Shortcut[size];
// Populate the array, get all shortcurs which you want to update
// in batch. Update all of them and pass to ShortcutsManager.
ShortcutsManager.Instance.UpdateShortcuts (shortcutsArray);
Or update the Shortcut with it's Intent together:
var shortcut = ShortcutsManager.Instance.GetShortcutById (id);
if (shortcut != null) {
// ... Update shortcut data
var intent = new Intent();
// ... Update intent
// Pass shortcut and intent object to ShortcutsManager to update.
ShortcutsManager.Instance.UpdateShortcut (shortcut, intent)
Remove Shortcut
var shortcutId = "id";
// To remove a shortcut just call RemoveShortcutById.
You can remove shortcuts in batch by id too:
var shortcutIds = new string[size];
// Populate the array with ids of all shortcuts which
// you want to remove and pass the array to ShortcutsManager.
If you want to remove all dynamic shortcuts you can just call:
If you want to pin a shortcut you can do it easily by using:
var shortcutId = "id";
Or by passing a Shortcut object and an Intent:
var id = "shortcut_id";
var shortcut = ShortcutsManager.Instance.GetShortcutById (id);
var intent = new Intent();
// Set data, classname and etc to the intent object.
// Keep in mind that this will present the user a dialog
// to pin the shortcut and it will be pinned only if the
// user approves that.
ShortcutsManager.Instance.RequestPinShortcut(shortcut, intent);